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Video Testimonials can Boost Credibility and Trust

Today’s businesses understand the value of testimonial content. They might have an automated survey where they capture feedback after a sale, or they might even conduct interviews with happy customers a few times a year. Those strategies are great, but one simple change makes them even better: turning those customer stories into videos. 

While written testimonials are a staple of traditional marketing strategies, in recent years, video testimonials have become more effective at building a personal connection with viewers. So, if you’re looking for an asset to make your brand feel more human, more authentic, and more trustworthy, add “create video testimonials” to your marketing to-do list. 

Need a little help? We’ll walk you through everything you need to know! 

What Are Video Testimonials?

Video testimonials play a crucial role in modern marketing strategies by providing authentic and engaging content that resonates with potential customers on a deeper level. These testimonials go beyond written reviews by capturing the genuine emotions and reactions of satisfied clients, thereby building trust and credibility for the product, service, or brand being promoted.

By showcasing real people sharing their positive experiences, testimonial videos offer a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their target audience. The visual and auditory elements of video content make it more compelling and memorable, increasing the likelihood of converting leads into customers.

Furthermore, testimonial videos serve as valuable social proof, demonstrating to prospective buyers that others have had a successful and satisfying interaction with the brand. This social validation can help alleviate any lingering doubts or concerns that potential customers may have, nudging them closer to making a purchase decision.

When strategically placed at the bottom of the marketing funnel, testimonial videos act as persuasive assets that encourage conversions. By showcasing the positive impact of a product or service through the lens of a satisfied customer, these videos create a sense of relatability and authenticity that resonates with viewers.

How to Conduct a Testimonial Interview

When conducting a testimonial interview, it’s important to make the client feel comfortable, especially if they’ve never been on camera before. Take the time to explain the process, orient them within your camera setup, and reassure them that the experience will be positive.  

Whenever possible, try to ask open-ended questions that encourage the client to share their specific experiences and outcomes. If their first response lacks clarity, rephrase the question or approach it from a different angle to try to draw out a more powerful answer. 

You’ll also want to encourage the interviewee to provide context when discussing their experience. The more background they can provide about your work together and its impact on their business, the better. Your editors can always decide to leave extra content out of the final edit, but they can’t invent missing footage that’s critical to the narrative. Get ahead of this issue by asking interviewees to err on the side of more information rather than less. 

Finally, remember that testimonial videos are all about results. The core message within your video should highlight the problem your client faced, how your product or service helped solve the problem, and what’s possible for them now that the problem is solved. If your interviewee doesn’t share that information unprompted, ask them to reiterate the value of your work together. 

Capture B-Roll

Filming b-roll for a testimonial video is a crucial step in enhancing the storytelling aspect of the content. It is akin to painting a vivid picture that complements the narrative shared by the interviewee. These additional visuals serve to enrich and enliven the viewer's experience, making it more immersive and engaging. The b-roll footage can encompass a wide range of elements, from showcasing the product or service in action to capturing the interviewee utilizing it in real-life scenarios. Furthermore, it can portray the tangible and intangible benefits that the product or service has brought to the users, emphasizing its positive impact. In addition to product-centric shots, b-roll can also delve into the company's ethos and culture, offering a glimpse into the work environment and the values that drive the organization. The diversity of shots captured during filming provides a rich tapestry of visual material that can be seamlessly integrated into the editing process. This abundance of options allows for a more dynamic and compelling final product, ensuring that the testimonial video resonates with the audience on a deeper level. Ultimately, b-roll serves as a powerful tool in elevating the overall quality and impact of the video, turning a simple testimonial into a captivating and persuasive narrative.

How to Edit a Testimonial Video

During the editing process, focus on the storytelling aspect of the testimonial. Start with a captivating introduction that hooks the viewer and makes them want to learn more. In some cases, that might mean starting with a sentence about the impact of your work together or jumping ahead to the end result.  

Then, arrange the testimonial responses in a logical order so that the storyline makes sense to your audience. Remember that interviewees don’t always share information in a logical order, so editors may need to get creative with rearranging the footage.

Beyond the footage itself, editors should add the B-Roll, background music, on-screen text, and graphics that emphasize key points or complement the video. These details may not technically be necessary, but they’ll go a long way towards making your video feel professional and polished.

Aspect ratios will also come into play during the editing process. Unless you have a very specific distribution plan for your new testimonial video, ask editors for your final video files to be delivered in a few different aspect ratios. The ideal specs for your website are different from the ideal specs for YouTube or Instagram, so having a few different versions makes it easier to post on different platforms down the line. 

How to Use Testimonial Videos as Marketing Assets

So, you have your testimonial video completed. What next?

You might be tempted to share your video on your website or in an email newsletter and call it a day, but there’s so much value to be captured from your testimonial. Make a plan to share the video everywhere: on social media platforms, in outreach sequences, at conferences, in pitch decks, and anywhere else it might persuade customers to move forward with your company. 

Remember that your testimonial video is designed to build credibility, establish trust, and showcase a positive experience with a satisfied customer. Whenever you might need a boost with prospective customers, your testimonial video is the perfect tool. 

Need Helping Creating Testimonial Videos?

At Launch Factory, we understand the impact that well-crafted testimonial videos can have on your business. With our professional expertise in video production and a track record, we are here to help you capture the essence of your customers’ experiences and leverage their stories to propel your brand forward.

Contact us today to discuss how we can assist you in creating compelling testimonial videos that resonate with your audience and elevate your brand’s reputation. Let us be your trusted partner in bringing your customers’ success stories to life.

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